On the Job: A Day at the Waco Animal Shelter

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Have you ever wondered how the different City of Waco departments serve residents day to day? Now you can enjoy a behind-the-scenes look through our “On The Job” video series!

The City of Waco Animal Shelter is at 2032 Circle Road in Waco. It’s an open-admission shelter, meaning no animal is turned away, and it’s a partnership with 15 cities and McLennan County. So, if a stray animal is found in our area, it probably ends up in our care at the shelter.

City staff is responsible for the overall operation of the shelter as well as the health and care of all animals. There’s even a veterinarian on staff!

Our shelter partners, the Humane Society of Central Texas handle the adoption, fostering, and volunteers. At any given time, if you include animals in foster care, there are over 300 animals needing homes at the shelter.

For more information, visit Waco-Texas.com/Animals

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