
September 25, 2018

Around Waco features some of the unique and interesting people, places and factories around Waco.

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Baptist General Convention

November 22, 2019

Parishoners from all across Texas gathered at the Waco Convention Center.

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Baptist General Convention

November 16, 2017

Texas Baptists joined together in Waco.

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Battle of the Badges

August 31, 2018

Waco Police, Sheriff and fire are out for blood as they get geared up for “Battle of the Badges”.

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Battle of the Badges – Police Testimonial PSA

August 14, 2024
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Battle of the Badges 2019 – City of Waco Employees

July 31, 2019
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Battle of the Badges 2021 Waco Fire & Waco Police – DONATE TODAY!

August 5, 2021

Local blood supply is low- donate now and save lives here! Waco’s first responders are eager to make sure blood is readily available for community hospital patients, no matter what emergencies arise. The Waco Police and Fire Departments are hosting the Battle of the Badges blood drives with dates beginning August 17th. *You can donate at…

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Battle of the Badges Blood Drive

August 23, 2019

Area law enforcement turn their donations into a competition.

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Battle of the Badges Blood Drive

August 23, 2019

The battle of the badges is a great way for our local law enforcement and fire crews to promote a great cause that saves lives.

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Battle of the Badges Blood Drive

September 2, 2016

Waco Police, Sheriff and Fire Departments compete in this year’s Carter Blood Drive.

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Battle of the Badges City of Waco Employees – Donate!

August 5, 2021

Waco employees! We need your help! Waco’s first responders are eager to make sure blood is readily available for community hospital patients, no matter what emergencies arise. The Waco Police and Fire Departments are hosting the Battle of the Badges blood drives with dates beginning August 17th. *You can donate at Carter Bloodcare (206 Archway Drive,…

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Baylor Basketball Arena Update January 3, 2023

January 4, 2023
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